What We Do


Drs. Giannetti and Booms are top 1% providers in Invisalign aligners. Their expertise is key to making this type of treatment available to complex cases and to all ages at our office with beautiful results.

Invisalign For All

The doctor you choose for your Invisalign treatment matters - the force and movement delivered by each aligner should be doctor dictated. Wearing aligners is very much like playing a sport: you are the athlete, the aligners are your equipment and we are your coach. Warning, we like winning!

All Ages

We customize our aligner treatment to be able to treat patients of all ages - ranging from 7 to 87 years old. Understanding the biology of tooth movement, growth and aging is our key to success.

All Cases

Our expertise allows us to treat cases ranging from simple to the most complex with beautiful results. We love when patients are told they are not a candidate for Invisalign and then come to our office and experience our outstanding results with aligners.


We are proud to use the Damon Bracket System to achieve exceptional results. Damon brackets allow us to complete treatment in fewer office visits, deliver lighter and more natural forces for minimally invasive treatment and make it easier for our patients to keep their teeth clean.

Metal Braces

Unlike traditional metal braces, the Damon System uses self-ligating brackets that hold the wire in place. These brackets provide less friction, resulting in greater comfort and efficient tooth movement.

Clear Braces

The Damon Clear brackets combine the advantages of the Damon brackets technology while delivering a discreet treatment experience. This is the treatment of choice for patients who want to straighten their teeth discreetly and want something fixed.

Treatment For All Ages

We provide treatment for all ages with customized orthodontic care for each patient. We value your time and our goal is to make orthodontic treatment convenient while providing excellent care.

We minimize office visits while providing excellent care by using the latest technology in braces (Damon Braces®), aligners (Invisalign®), digital monitoring (DentalMonitoring®) and virtual visits (Smile Snap®).

Adult Treatment

It's never too late to straighten your teeth. In fact, 50% of our patients are adults. Orthodontics can help restore function and enhance your smile. Straight teeth are easier to maintain, to clean and to restore when the need arises. The wonderful side effect of straight teeth is a beautiful smile. We offer several treatment options to suit your lifestyle, work around your schedule, and aesthetic preferences.

Teen Treatment

For most people, the best timing for orthodontic treatment is when most of the permanent teeth have erupted, around age 12. At this stage, most kids are going through a growth spurt, when the teeth move faster and the jaws can be guided into an ideal bite.

Early Treatment

We provide early orthodontic treatment, also called Phase I, to ensure proper jaw growth and tooth eruption for young children. Early intervention can minimize the need for complex orthodontic treatment in the future, such as teeth extraction and jaw surgery, by normalizing jaw growth and tooth eruption during an important growth phase when the jaws are malleable.

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that every child be screened by an orthodontist at age 7. It is an invaluable time to be able to guide the teeth and mold the jaws to grow in a normal way.

We find that most children do not need any intervention at this stage, but it is critical to identify those who do. For patients who don’t need early treatment, we enroll them in our complimentary “Growth Guidance Program” with virtual visits, in which we monitor jaw growth and tooth eruption every 6 months to determine the best timing to start orthodontic treatment.

Myofunctional Therapy

We offer in-office myofunctional therapy, an essential aid to orthodontic treatment to normalize facial muscle function during rest, breathing, and swallowing to provide a stable and predictable result. It is a program of specific exercises that target the facial muscles and restore them to their normal function.

Drs. Giannetti, Booms and team underwent extensive training in myofunctional therapy for conditions such as tongue thrusts, tongue ties, and thumb sucking.

Take a look at our smile transformations!